WRBC Core Values
Biblical Preaching & Teaching: We believe that God’s Word is our foundation for living. Therefore we value biblical expository preaching and teaching as the basis for everything we do and are committed to exposing our lives to the whole truth of Scripture.
Prayer: We believe prayer is the privilege of every child of God and connects us to the heart of God. We value intercessory prayer in every aspect of our lives, both corporately and individually and are committed to spending time in prayer in both settings.
Worship: We believe that worship brings us into a life-changing, dynamic experience with the living God. We value corporate and individual worship that is authentic, biblically correct and culturally relevant.
Evangelism: We believe the gospel should be made known to all people regardless of their life situation. Therefore, we value the proclamation of the gospel by every believer and are committed to training, equipping and mobilizing every member in sharing their faith.
Missions: We believe that Christ’s command to all nations with the gospel is true for us. We value reaching our community, our state, our country and all of the world with the gospel. Therefore we are committed to systematically supporting our cooperative mission agencies and sending missionaries from White River Baptist to the ends of the world.
Fellowship: We believe biblical community is deepened through spending time with God’s people socially, in ministry and in times of personal distress. We value experiencing authentic relationships that strengthen our common bond and witness to our common Savior.
Lay Leadership: We believe God has gifted every believer to perform the work of the ministry. We value a strong, involved laity in all positions of leadership and are committed to developing and equipping them for all areas of ministry.
Strong Families: We believe the family is the basic unit in any congregation and has been ordained by God for the nurturing of every member’s faith. Whether single or married, every one belongs to a family and are called to honor and love those to whom they’re related. We value strong families and are committed to developing programs that enhance their welfare.