What's Going On

Sunday Morning Worship - 10:45 AM

We value authentic worship and on Sunday mornings we gather to honor Jesus Christ through a blend of contemporary and traditional music.  Our study of God’s Word is expository in nature and practical in its application.

Adult Sunday School Classes - 9:30 AM

Sunday School starts at 9:30 am and offers many different studies.

Children’s Sunday School - 9:30 AM

Each of the Children’s classes are taught by caring teachers who love children and more importantly, love to see them learning about Jesus Christ.  They are committed to sharing the love of Christ with each and every child.

Children’s Sermons

During the morning Worship Service the children participate in a short special sermon designed just for them.

Youth Ministry

We look to make the Scriptures real in their lives and to promote a desire to serve our community.  Throughout the year the youth participate in the life of the church, attend different camps and minister to their community.

Sunday Evening Bible - 6:00 PM

Join us Sunday evenings as we take an in-depth look at God’s Word.  Pastor Al teaches Scripture, through various methods, to help us gain a better understanding of who God Truly Is!

Wednesday Bible Study - 6:30 PM

We value the power of Scripture and on Wednesday evenings take an in-depth look at God’s Word through a verse-by-verse breakdown of the Scripture.

Small Groups And One On One Mentoring

Throughout the week, we have several of our members meet to read Scripture together, to disciple each other, and to pray with each other.  We at WRBC believe personal spiritual growth; as well as, personal relationships are best developed through such time together.


At WRBC, we take our commission according to Acts 1:8 very seriously.  Through prayer, the Cooperative Program, local ministries, national ministries, and worldwide ministries, we are reaching people for Christ.  We also serve as the Operation Christmas Child Drop Off Collection Site for Greene County churches, businesses, and individuals participating in OCC.


Thank you for visiting us online.  White River Baptist is made up of people from all walks of life.  There are those who are younger and those who are older; those who wear ties and those who wear T-shirts.  And while we all have different backgrounds, we are brought together by a single purpose, to honor Jesus Christ above all else.  All of our ministries and all of our efforts eventually come back to that one central point, and that is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.

We recognize that each of us are at different stages in our journey with God.  There are those who have been walking by faith in Christ for years as well as those who are just beginning to know the love and fellowship that is available in Jesus.  Each of us is seeking to grow in our relationship with God no matter what our life stage.  But what is important is that we journey together.

Most people are introduced to White River Baptist through our regular worship services on Sundays.  These are great times to get to know us and more importantly, to get to know God better.  So consider this a personal invitation to be our guest on any given Sunday.  The dress is comfortable, the worship is authentic and the messages reflect our purpose.